Addressing Land Revocations And Demolitions: Supporting a Judicial Commission of Inquiry And Balancing Perspectives

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It is widely known that during the immediate past administration of Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, public lands were improperly allocated, betraying the trust of the people.

The lands, meant for the community, were instead allocated to government officials and their family members, including the first family.

Furthermore, allegations of selling the lands to elites at subsidized prices, with the proceeds being funneled into personal accounts through proxies, have caused widespread concern and demand thorough investigation.

Given these revelations, I stand in full support of the call made by Dr. Muhammad Tahar, known as Baba Impossible, urging the Kano State Government (KNSG) to establish a Judicial Commission of Inquiry. This commission is vital to unravel the truth, uncover any irregularities, and hold accountable those responsible for the misappropriation of public lands and funds. Transparency, accountability, and justice must prevail.

At the same time, it is crucial to recognize the government’s objective of reclaiming public lands and restoring their intended use for the benefit of the wider community. This action seeks to ensure that essential services and facilities, such as mosques, schools, cemeteries, and hospitals, can be provided where they are truly needed. We appreciate the government’s commitment to public welfare and the proper utilization of public resources.

However, we must also acknowledge the investments made by individuals who have purchased these lands and devoted their resources to their development. Their contributions should not be disregarded or invalidated.

Finding a fair and just solution that balances these perspectives is of utmost importance. The KNSG should explore alternatives that will minimize the adverse impact on those who have invested in the development of these lands. Compensatory measures or the allocation of land in other suitable areas shall be considered, demonstrating an appreciation for the efforts made by these individuals while achieving the government’s objectives of reclaiming public spaces.

To ensure a comprehensive and inclusive process, open dialogue and engagement between the government, affected individuals, and community stakeholders are paramount. By fostering understanding and listening to the concerns of all parties involved, we can work together to find equitable solutions. Collaboration and respect are key to achieving a harmonious resolution that upholds justice and fairness.

I call upon the KNSG to prioritize the collective voice of concerned citizens by promptly establishing the Judicial Commission of Inquiry. This step will enable a thorough investigation, uncover the truth behind the allegations, and ensure accountability for any wrongdoing.

Let us strive for transparency, accountability, and fairness in the process of addressing land revocations and demolitions. By doing so, we can strengthen public trust, promote responsible governance, and safeguard the rights and investments of individuals while upholding the greater good of our community.

Abdulrahman Hadi Badamasi writes from Kano Nigeria, he can be reached via

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