Police Arrest Fraudster, Fake Bank Alert Developer in Katsina

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By Isah Aliyu Chiroma

The Katsina State Police Command has arrested a suspected fraudster who specializes in defrauding unsuspecting members of the public using counterfeit currency.

Spokesman of the Command, ASP Abubakar Sadiq said nemesis caught up with the suspect, Bishir Umar, 28, alias Dan Zamfara of Magamar Jibia LGA, when the Command received intelligence on his illegal activities and location.

“Upon instant search in where he was trailed and arrested, the following suspected counterfeit currencies were recovered from his possession; four pieces of one N1000, CFA 10,000 Niger Republic currency; and one piece of the 2000 denomination of the Niger Republic CFA; as well as a passport ID card bearing “Amadou Salamatou,” ASP Sadiq said.

The Katsina Police spokesman said the suspect in the course of the investigation, confessed to the commission of the offense.

In a related development, ASP Sadiq said on 6 July 2023, at about 4pm, the Command arrested one Alkasim Muhammad, 43, of Sharada Phase 3, Kano State, also a suspected notorious fraudster who specializes in defrauding unsuspecting members of the public by way of fake bank transfers.

Upon receipt of the complaint on the suspect’s nefarious activities, detectives were drafted for investigation, and he was tracked down and arrested at Kazaure LGA, Jigawa State.

“Two bank tellers and two GSM handsets were recovered as exhibits from the suspects and he has confessed to the commission of the offense. He identified three of his accomplices whom he said are currently at large. An effort is on with a view to arresting the fleeing suspects,”

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