Military Rule Shall Never Be Our Fate – Shehu Sani

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By Kasim Isa Muhammad

Shehu Sani, a former lawmaker, has strongly advocated for the complete rejection and resistance of military rule in West Africa.

Sani expressed deep disappointment and displeasure over the prevalence of military rule in the region on Twitter, emphasizing that it is by no means a viable solution to the challenges the area faces.

“Military rule must be totally rejected and resisted in West Africa. Our democracy is not perfect and there is no perfect democracy anywhere. Military time is not the solution.

“I’m surprised to read comments on the social media, it appears that many young people are now in support of it. I understand the disappointment and frustration with the political class. It’s still better we continue to struggle to make our democracy better until we get it right.”Sani tweeted.

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