Nigerians Spend N3.33tn on Phone Calls, Data in 2022 – NCC

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By Kasim Isa Muhammad

In 2022, Nigerians and other telecom users within Nigeria spent a total of N3.33tn on various telecom services, including calls, data, and SMS, according to the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), while the telcos also generated N3.33tn in total revenue for the year.

The NCC revealed these figures in its recently published ‘2022 Subscriber/Network Data Annual Report.’

The active subscriber count grew by 13.86% year-on-year, from 195,463,898 subscriptions in 2021 to 222,571,568 active voice subscriptions by December 2022.

The increase was attributed to factors like subscriber loyalty, promotions, seasonal effects, consumer acquisition efforts, and competitive offerings across all networks.

According to NCC this growth in active subscriptions had positive effects on telecom indicators such as teledensity, Internet penetration, and broadband penetration.

It said data usage also surged in 2022, increasing by 46.77% to reach 518,381.78TB by the end of the year.

The NCC emphasized the substantial rise in data consumption during this period, from 353,118.89TB in December 2021 to 518,381.78TB in December 2022.

It was gathered that this represents an increase of 46.77% in data consumption within that timeframe.

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