Celebrating Innovative Leader: Prof. Mohd Suraj Aliyu as National President of NCS

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In a momentous triumph that marks a new chapter in the annals of technological advancement in Nigeria, Associate Professor Mohd Suraj Aliyu has been elected as the National President of the Nigeria Computer Society (NCS). This remarkable achievement not only reflects his exceptional dedication to the field of computer science but also represents a historic milestone as he becomes the first Northern Nigerian to ascend to this prestigious position.

The Nigeria Computer Society, a prominent organization in the realm of technology and computer science, has chosen Prof. Mohd Suraj Aliyu to lead the way forward. His election underscores his extraordinary commitment to innovation, his profound understanding of the digital landscape, and his visionary leadership that has inspired countless individuals.

Prof Suraj hails from Katsina State of the Northwestern part of Nigeria. He received his BSc Computer Science from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (My alma mater), Post Graduate Diploma in Education from University of Calabar, MSc. Computer Science from Bayero University Kano and his PhD. Computer Science from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Prof Suraj is the current Director of ICT Directorate at Federal University Dutse, once Head of Cybersecurity Department and Faculty of Computing Postgraduate Coordinator. He is a Board Member National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Member National Council for Digital Innovation & Entrepreneurship. A Charted Information Technology Professional (Citp) registered by Computer Professionals Registration Council of Nigeria, A Fellow of Nigeria Computer Society, A Member of Academia in Information Technology Professionals, A Professional Teacher registered by Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria, A Member of IEEE Computer Society, A Member of Global Internet Society, A Member of Nigeria Internet Society and A Member of Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communication.

He has been External Examiner for Postgraduate and Undergraduate students at different Universities. A reviewer to local and International Journals such as IEEE Journals and ELSEVIER Journal.

Prof. Suraj’s journey to this momentous achievement is a story of resilience, hard work, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, his academic prowess and his contributions to the world of computing have set him apart as a true trailblazer.

As he assumes the role of National President of NCS, Prof. Aliyu carries the hopes and aspirations of an entire nation’s technological community. His leadership comes at a pivotal juncture where the world is rapidly evolving through technological breakthroughs. With his unique insights and forward-thinking approach, he is well-equipped to steer the ship of the NCS towards new horizons.

Prof. Suraj’s accomplishment is not just a personal victory, but a source of inspiration for us as aspiring technologists and professionals. His journey exemplifies the idea that with determination, knowledge, and a clear vision, one can transcend boundaries and achieve remarkable feats. His ascendancy to the presidency of NCS serves as a reminder that merit knows no geographical confines.

As we celebrate this moment, let us acknowledge the significance of Prof. Aliyu’s achievement. His tenure promises to usher in an era of collaboration, innovation, and progress for the entire Nigerian technology ecosystem. Through his leadership, the NCS will undoubtedly witness new initiatives, partnerships, and advancements that will contribute to the growth of the field and the empowerment of its professionals.
On behalf of the entire ICT Directorate Staff of Federal University Dutse, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Associate Professor Mohd Suraj Aliyu. May his presidency be marked by continued success, groundbreaking achievements, and a lasting legacy that propels Nigeria’s technological landscape to even greater heights.

Mallam Murtala Kazaure is the Head of ICT Support and Special Services Unit of ICT Directorate Federal University Dutse

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