Borno Agency Moves To Bar Betting, Sanction Lanlords

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By Kasim Isa Muhammad

Borno State Geographic Information Service (BOGIS) has cautioned landlords and shop proprietors in Maiduguri against renting their residences, premises, or stores to betting establishments, emphasizing that such actions could result in the forfeiture of their properties.

This advisory was conveyed through a press release issued and endorsed by BOGIS’s executive secretary, Engr. Adam Bababe, and subsequently shared with newsmen in Maiduguri.

The statement reads,” BOGIS wishes to inform the public that it has noticed the increase in leasing legally allocated spaces, whether for commercial or residential purposes, to lottery or game house operators which is strictly against the law.

“The presence of these gaming/bet houses within our state has led to numerous complaints from concerned residents because it exposes a significant number of our youth to various forms of criminal and notorious activities, all in the pursuit of funds to finance lottery games.

“In view of these, BOGIS would like to reiterate that providing spaces and shops for lottery and gaming houses contradicts established regulations.

“This is in accordance with Section 13, sub-section 2 of the Borno State Land Use Regulation 2022, which mandates title holders to adhere to the terms and conditions of their right of occupancy, any deviation from these conditions, including engaging in activities that conflict with approved land use, could result in the government revoking the land title.

“Furthermore, Section 205 of the Penal Code laws of Borno State specifies that maintaining a house or place for betting or playing games of chance e.g. bet king, bet Naija, sport bet etc, as well as assisting in such activities, is a criminal offence that may lead to imprisonment.

“It is important to note that the law establishing the Borno Geographic Information Service grants the agency the authority to address any land-related administration and management.

“We kindly request your cooperation in ensuring that our shared spaces are utilised responsibly and in accordance with the law.”

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