Protest Erupts in Abuja Over Alleged DSS-Related Killing of Fashion Designer

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By Muhammadu Sabiu

Officers of the Federal Capital Territory Police Command intervened on Thursday night to quell a violent protest that erupted at Garki International Market, Abuja.

The protest followed the alleged killing of a fashion designer by an operative of the Department of State Services (DSS), who shot intermittently and injured several people.

According to eyewitnesses, the incident began when a female customer brought the DSS official to the victim’s shop, accusing the fashion designer, identified as Muhammad Habibu, of failing to deliver clothes on an agreed date.

Colleagues of the fashion designer intervened, resulting in a heated argument. Tragically, the dispute escalated to violence, with a gunshot leaving the fashion designer dead and another person injured.

The DSS operative was promptly arrested and detained by the police at Wuse Market Police Station. The situation further deteriorated as local youths reacted angrily to the incident, attempting to confront the DSS personnel involved.

In response, the police mobilized to restore order, leading to damage to a section of the police outpost as some irate youths acted disruptively. Weapons used during the commotion were later recovered.

The FCT Police Command’s spokesperson, SP Josephine Adeh, issued a statement in response, emphasizing the commitment to maintaining peace and respecting the rights of all citizens within the FCT.

She also urged market occupants to refrain from engaging in activities involving public property, especially that belonging to security agencies.

In a separate statement, the Department of State Services (DSS) acknowledged the incident and revealed that it had initiated an investigation.

The DSS assured the public that it would take appropriate disciplinary measures if any of its staff were found culpable.

The incident highlights the need for a thorough investigation to determine the sequence of events and any potential wrongdoing. The FCT Police Command and the DSS have both expressed their commitment to ensuring justice is served in this matter.

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