Sardaunan Dutse Passes On  

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By Sabiu Abdullahi

Former Minister of Commerce in Nigeria’s Second Republic, Bello Maitama Yusuf, passed away at the age of 78, as confirmed by the Dutse Emirate Council via official Facebook page.

The Council announced that Yusuf, who held the prestigious title of Sardaunan Dutse, breathed his last in the early hours of Friday.

The Council expressed its heartfelt condolences to the emir, the late minister’s family, and the entire emirate community.

Bello Maitama Yusuf, a seasoned politician, had a significant political career.

He served as the Minister for Internal Affairs in 1979 and later as the Minister for Commerce in 1982.

In addition to his ministerial roles, Yusuf was elected to the Nigerian Senate for the Jigawa South West constituency in April 1999 and was reelected in April 2003.

Yusuf’s educational background included studies at North Gate University, Washington, and he was a member of the now-defunct National Party of Nigeria.

His contributions to the political landscape of Nigeria will be remembered, and his passing marks the end of an era in the country’s political history.

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