Doctors Operate Without Painkillers, as Patients Lay on Bare Ground for Treatment

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By Sabiu Abdullahi

Amidst relentless airstrikes by Israel, doctors in Gaza are facing a dire shortage of equipment, compelling them to perform surgeries on the ground without painkillers.

The desperate situation unfolded as hundreds of Palestinians sought refuge in hospitals, including the Al Ahli hospital, to escape the ongoing attacks.

According to the Interior Minister of Gaza, Israel continued its assaults on Wednesday, intensifying the crisis in the region.

Despite the efforts of Palestinians seeking shelter in hospitals, their attempts to find safety proved futile.

The head of the World Health Organisation, Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, expressed grave concern over the deteriorating conditions in Gaza.

The Israeli attack on Al Ahli Hospital resulted in the tragic loss of over 500 lives, prompting urgent calls for intervention.

Amidst the chaos, doctors in Gaza are heroically performing surgeries on patients lying on the ground, deprived of essential painkillers.

The lack of medical equipment and supplies is exacerbating the suffering of the wounded, highlighting the urgent need for international assistance and a swift resolution to the conflict.

The international community remains on high alert, urging all parties involved to cease hostilities and prioritize the delivery of emergency aid to Gaza.

As the situation continues to escalate, humanitarian organisations are working tirelessly to provide vital assistance.

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