NNPP, PDP, Ally to Enhance Democracy

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By Sabiu Abdullahi

Seven opposition parties united to establish the Coalition of Concerned Political Parties in Abuja on Wednesday.

The meeting, held at the National Secretariat of the Social Democratic Party, brought together leaders from the Peoples Democratic Party, African Democratic Congress, Social Democratic Party, Peoples Allied Movement, New Nigeria Peoples Party, Young Progressives Party, and Zenith Labour Party.

Expressing concerns over the country’s instability, the coalition, led by Shehu Gabam, the National Chairman of the Social Democratic Party, affirmed the pivotal role of the judiciary in safeguarding democracy.

Gabam stressed, “The judiciary is the last hope of the common man,” urging the judicial system to resist political and executive interference for the sake of Nigeria’s democratic principles.

Highlighting the backdrop of the coalition’s formation, Gabam mentioned recent developments in states like Zamfara, Nasarawa, Kano, and Plateau.

He called for a judiciary that upholds internationally recognized standards and delivers judgements that withstand scrutiny.

While addressing the coalition’s purpose, Gabam clarified that it is not intended for a merger and does not stand against the Inter-Party Advisory Council.

Setonji Koshoedo, acting National Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party, echoed the sentiment, stating that the coalition aims to provide a robust opposition.

Chief Ralph Nwosu, the national chairman of the African Democratic Congress, noted that the coalition’s primary objective is to fortify democracy.

The formation of this coalition marks a concerted effort by opposition parties to address concerns about the state of democracy and political stability in Nigeria.

As the Coalition of Concerned Political Parties takes shape, its leaders are focused on fostering unity, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to democratic values.

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