Plateau, Let’s Embrace Peace

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Dear Fellow Citizens of Plateau State, in recent time, our community has been faced with instances of political differences and grievances that have understandably stirred emotions and passions among us. However, I implore each and every one of us to approach these challenges with calmness and steadfastness, refraining from resorting to crime or conflict as a means to address these issues.

It is understandable to feel anger and frustration when faced with injustice. However, history has shown us that resorting to crime or engaging in conflicts only serves to perpetuate suffering and deepen divisions among us. Instead, let us unite in our determination to seek justice through peaceful and lawful means.

We must remember that the strength of our community lies in our ability to resolve our differences through dialogue, understanding, and adherence to the rule of law. Violence and acts of lawlessness only undermine the fabric of our society, causing more harm than resolution.

I urge each one of us to demonstrate restraint and maturity in our actions, refusing to be swayed by the temptation to respond to injustice with further acts of wrongdoing. Let us come together, engage in constructive conversations, and seek peaceful avenues to address the issues that concern us.

Moreover, I encourage everyone to collaborate with local authorities, community leaders, and relevant stakeholders to address grievances through established legal and peaceful channels. By working together, we can bring about positive change while upholding the values of peace, justice, and unity that define our community.

Let us strive to build a Plateau State where justice prevails, where everyone’s rights are respected, and where conflicts are resolved through peaceful means. Together, we can achieve this noble goal.

Zainab Auwalu Yaro
Department of Mass Communication
University of Maiduguri

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