Tudun Biri Leaders Denounce Lawsuit Over Airstrike

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By Kasim Isa Muhammad

In a surprising turn of events, leaders of Tudun Biri, the community struck by a tragic military airstrike in Kaduna State, have vehemently denied any involvement in a lawsuit against the Nigerian government.

This comes after news emerged of a court case seeking N33 billion compensation for families of the 53 victims, filed by one Dalhatu Salihu.

Village head Balarabe Garba categorically stated that “no one in the community bears the name Dalhatu Salihu.”

He emphasized satisfaction with the government’s response and support following the incident.

“We are peaceful people and we don’t support taking the government to court,” Garba declared.

Musa Saidu, leader of the Christian community in Tudun Biri, while expressing appreciation for the government’s actions and denying any authorization for legal action.

“We are united and we do things together,” Saidu affirmed, rejecting attempts to give the incident a religious dimension.

On his part, Governor Uba Sani commended the community for their unity and dismissed the lawsuit as a false narrative.

He also assured them of continued support and announced plans to form a committee for managing donations to the affected families.

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