Bandits Kill Eight, Abduct Others In Katsina

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By Isah Aliyu Chiroma

Tragedy struck in Katsina State on Sunday as bandits targeted local traders returning from Jibia weekly market, killing eight and abducting two near Kukar Babangida village in Jibia Local Government Area of the state.

The assailants opened fire on the vehicle conveying the traders, leaving four passengers severely wounded. The survivors are said to be receiving treatment in the hospital.

The terrorists, said to be fleeing an by the military in Zurmi Local Government Area of Zamfara State, spared the wounded but abducted two persons.

The names of those killed were given as Sani Na Gogara, Yusuf Karamin su, Sale Lami, Dan Hameme, Malam Shafi’i, Malam Dikke and Bashir Sani, all of whom have been buried according to Islamic rites.

The injured persons identified as Bilyaminu, Malam Jafaru, Lawal Dadi and Dan Husuma, are undergoing treatment, while those abducted are Alhaji Abdurrashid and Abdu Teacher.

The police spokesman in Katsina State, ASP Abubakar Sadiq Aliyu, while confirming the incident to newsmen, stated, “Yes, it is true. The command has since deployed measures to prevent reccurrence and has detailed its operational assets to track down and arrest the perpetrators.

“The CP (police commissioner) condoles with the family, friends and loved ones of those affected by the incident.”

He acknowledged the ongoing security challenges in the North-West sub-region, particularly in states like Zamfara, Katsina, Kaduna, Sokoto, Kebbi, and a part of Niger State in the North-Central.

He said Katsina State had in recent weeks witnessed drastic reduction in banditry due to the proactive measures taken by both the state and federal governments.

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