Market Shutdowns for Cattle Rustling Raise Concerns in Zamfara

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By Kasim Isa Muhammad

Residents fear hardship outweighs benefits in government’s attempt to curb bandit activity……

The Zamfara state government’s recent closure of 11 cattle markets, citing concerns about bandits selling stolen livestock, has sparked controversy among residents.

While the authorities aim to disrupt illegal trade and combat cattle rustling, locals worry the shutdown will worsen their already difficult economic situation.

The targeted markets are spread across various local government areas, including Tsafe, Talata-Mafara, Anka, Maradun, Shinkafi, Gusau, and Birnin Magaji.

Information Commissioner Munnir Haidara justified the closures, citing intelligence reports highlighting bandits’ use of these markets to dispose of stolen cattle.

He further assured strict enforcement by security agencies and warned of consequences for violating the order.

The move follows a similar one during the previous administration, when markets like Mada, Danjinga, Maru, Maradun, and Dansadau were shut down for similar reasons.

However, residents remain unconvinced and skeptical of the effectiveness of these closures.

A trader named Alhaji Aminu Musa expressed disbelief, stating, “This decision has no basis. It won’t end banditry. We just want the government to stop the bandits, not the markets.”

He stressed the economic hardship this will bring rather than alleviating security concerns.

Another resident, Salihu Datti Tsafe, emphasized the existing struggles with insecurity and economic hardship, fearing the closures will create a bigger crisis. “People are already suffering, and now the markets are shut down? This just adds salt to the wound,” he lamented.

He voiced the residents’ desire for alternative solutions, like increased security presence in troubled areas, instead of restrictions on their livelihoods.

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