Governor Bago Vows to Enhance Retirees’ Relief in 2024

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By Isah Aliyu Chiroma

Governor Mohammed Bago of Niger State has pledged to provide retired civil servants in the state with succor as his administration implements the 2024 budget.

In his New Year message to the people of Niger, Bago noted that the budget, signed into law about a week ago, was christened ‘Budget for the Future’.

He also reiterated his administration’s resolve to prioritize the welfare of civil servants; hence, the need for a conducive working environment to increase productivity.

“It is expected that those at the helms of affairs will operate more from the fields than office, as we plan to embark on a tour of all the 25 local councils of the state to physically interactions with the stakeholders in local councils, get their opinions about the administration, as well as listen to their yearnings and aspirations to adopt most effective ways to serve them better,” Bago added.

He emphasized that project supervision would be more intense to put the contractors on their toes and frequently carry out inspection to ensure that the projects are executed according to contract agreements and specifications, especially as infrastructure and urban renewal are top in this year’s budgetary allocation.

Maintaining that the agricultural revolution of his administration would make headway in 2024, Bago said the sector was given the second-highest budgetary allocation, as words would be put into action to boost national policy on food security.

Bago also stressed that this year would be promising for business owners and those who desire to start one, as his administration “is poised to provide an enabling environment for new businesses” to spring up and for existing ones to thrive.

He, however, observed that to be able to actualize the great plans for a new Niger, all hands must be on deck; the citizenry must give their unflinching support and cooperation for the overall betterment of the state, regardless of their affiliations.

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