New Wave of Protests Emerge in Niger State Amidst Economic Hardship

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By Kasim Isa Muhammad

Amidst escalating living expenses, fresh protests have erupted in Niger State just days after demonstrators flooded the streets of Minna.

TCR noted that, this time, Suleja bears witness to the outcry, located just a stone’s throw away from the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

Protesters, bearing placards demanding action from President Bola Tinubu, voiced their grievances over the prevailing hardship.

The impassioned crowd, including women, men, and youths, vented frustrations over the government’s perceived inaction towards alleviating their plight.

Issues such as exorbitant food prices, unstable utilities, and overall economic strain were at the forefront of the protesters’ concerns.

It was gathered with livelihoods hanging in the balance, the protesters remain resolute, despite attempts by authorities to quell the unrest.

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