Nigerian Sentenced to Death for Killing Wife

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By Sabiu Abdullahi

A 48-year-old Nigerian man, Olubunmi Abodunde, has been sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering his wife, Taiwo, with their son’s skateboard in their UK home.

The couple, who had three children, arrived in the UK from Nigeria in 2022 and had a history of domestic violence and arguments over alleged affairs and bills.

According to Daily Mail, Abodunde had been repeatedly investigated by Suffolk Police about domestic violence and was due to go on trial for murder but changed his plea to guilty on Wednesday after a jury had been sworn in.

During the abuse, officers heard ‘a number of bangs’ inside the house, which Abodunde had gone into, despite bail conditions imposed the day before that banned him from the property following another violent episode.

When they finally entered 25 minutes later, they found the wife, 41-year-old Taiwo, with her ‘skull smashed in’. Judge Martyn Levett, sitting at Ipswich Crown Court, warned him the only possible sentence was life imprisonment.

Abodunde had a history of jealousy and suspicion, and he accused his wife of having affairs. He had been investigated by police several times over alleged domestic violence incidents before his wife’s death.

A post-mortem examination later showed she had been throttled until she fell unconscious, then stamped on until her ribs were broken before her husband used the skateboard to finish her off. The blows were so violent that the skateboard was damaged.

Prosecutor Simon Spence KC told the court the banging officers heard was likely to have been Abodunde continuing to attack his wife after she was unconscious or dead.

Detective Inspector Dan Connick, of Suffolk Police, said after the hearing, “This was an awful attack on a woman that has had a lasting impact on the community and, most importantly, on the victim’s family.

‘We are pleased that Taiwo’s family will no longer have to go through the pain of a trial. ‘Our thoughts remain with Taiwo’s family and friends and hope this result will bring some small comfort to them.'”

Taiwo Abodunde worked for Cambridge Manor Care Home, which provides dementia care and residential and respite care.

A spokesman for the facility said, “We are all deeply shaken and upset by the tragic death of Taiwo, who was a much-loved member of our home community.

”Our thoughts and deepest condolences are with her family. Taiwo always cared for those we support with compassion and kindness, and she will be greatly missed by all of us and our residents.”

Abodunde was remanded in custody and will be sentenced on May 9.

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