Kano’s Education Sector in Shambles: 4.7 Million Pupils Sit on Bare Floors

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By Kasim Isa Muhammad

Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf of Kano State has decried the deplorable state of the education sector, inherited from the previous administration, and declared a State of Emergency in Education.

He accused the past government of neglecting the sector, selling public schools, and converting others into private businesses.

With the support of the National Union of Teachers (NUT), Governor Yusuf has pledged to take decisive action to revitalize the sector, recognizing the critical role education plays in shaping society’s progress.

The governor expressed concern over the alarming number of out-of-school children, with nearly a million youngsters currently denied access to education.

Governor Yusuf highlighted the dire situation in Kano’s schools, where over 4.7 million pupils are forced to sit on bare floors to learn, and 400 schools have only one teacher for all classes and subjects.

He noted the scarcity of basic teaching tools, inadequate resources, and the struggles of teachers and students with outdated equipment.

“My administration prioritizes education and is dedicated to leaving a lasting legacy for future generations,” he said. “Teachers struggle with insufficient and outdated basic learning equipment, while many schools lack clean water and sanitation.”

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