Sultan Dethronement: Corroborate Prior to Unveiling- Sokoto Govt Urges Sultan

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By Sabiu Abdullahi

The Sokoto state government has urged Vice President Kashim Shettima to verify facts before commenting on sensitive national issues.

This response comes after the Vice President publicly warned the state government against deposing the Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar, at the Northwest Security summit in Katsina.

According to the state government, the Vice President should have consulted with Governor Ahmed Aliyu to confirm the accuracy of the news before going public.

In a statement signed by the Governor’s spokesman, Abubakar Bawa, the government emphasized the importance of verifying facts before commenting on issues of national concern.

“We sincerely expected the Vice President to have consulted the Governor before going public,” the statement read. “As an elder statesman and a father to all, he should have facts and figures before judging issues raised by mischief makers and negative social media handlers.”

The government clarified that there was no attempt to depose the Sultan or threaten him, and they have always respected his powers and rights.

“We cherish and adore the sultanate council and will do everything possible to protect the dignity of the revered institution,” the statement concluded.

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