Kano: Abba Releases N4b for Classroom Renovation, Construction

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By Sabiu Abdullahi

Kano State Governor, Abba Kabir Yusuf, announced yesterday night that the state government has released a total sum of N4.8 billion for the renovation and construction of classrooms across the state.

According to the governor’s statement on Facebook, N1.9 billion has been released to the 44 local government areas for the renovation of classrooms, while N2.9 billion has been approved for the construction of new classrooms in the first phase of the project.

The funds are part of the state government’s declaration of a State of Emergency on Education in Kano State, aimed at providing befitting learning environments for students. The governor promised that more approvals will be rolled out in due course.

The governor’s statement reads, “I am pleased to announce the release of the sum of 1,903,315,617.07 Naira to the 44 local government areas in Kano for the renovation of classrooms across the state, through the Community Reorientation Committee, under the supervision of SUBEB.

“I have also approved the sum of 2,925,140,591.60 Naira for the construction of new classrooms across the state. This is phase one of the drive to build new and befitting classrooms for learning across Kano State.

“These approvals are part of our declaration of State of Emergency on Education in Kano State, and we shall consequently continue to roll out more approvals in due course.”

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