Benin Universities Condemn ESGT Over Alleged Unethical Practices

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By Sabiu Abdullahi

The Association of Districts and State Holders of Benin Republic has issued a press release in response to recent media headlines surrounding allegations of illegal intellectual practices by ESGT University and the subsequent suspension of accreditation and evaluations by the Federal Ministry of Education Nigeria.

This is coming after an investigative report titled “How Daily Nigerian reporter bagged Cotonou varsity degree in 6 weeks,” exposed a booming certificate racketeering syndicate in neighbouring African countries like Benin Republic and Togo that specialises in selling university degrees to willing buyers in Nigeria.

The statement notes that the universities in Benin Republic vehemently condemn any practices that compromise the integrity of their education system and that ESGT University’s actions are inconsistent with the values upheld by the universities in Benin Republic.

“We unequivocally condemn any practices that compromise the integrity of our education system. ESGT University’s actions are inconsistent with the values upheld by the universities in Benin Republic. We firmly disassociate ourselves from such practices and remain steadfast in our dedication to providing quality education,” the official statement says.

The universities also stress the importance of waiting for official verification before drawing conclusions and express their openness to a thorough investigation. They assure the public and stakeholders of their full cooperation in addressing any entities involved in similar activities.

The Association of Districts and State Holders of Benin Republic says that the universities in Benin Republic are committed to taking necessary steps to restore and maintain the integrity of the education system, with a focus on preventing any recurrence of such incidents.

The suspension of accreditation and evaluations by the Federal Ministry of Education Nigeria is a serious blow to ESGT University, which is now unable to issue degrees that are recognized by the Nigerian government.

It is unclear what the long-term impact of this suspension will be on the university, but it is likely to damage its reputation and make it more difficult for it to attract students and faculty.

The allegations against ESGT University are also a black eye for the education system in Benin Republic. The country has been working hard to improve the quality of its universities in recent years, and these allegations could set back that progress.

The Benin Republic government has not yet commented on the allegations against ESGT University, but it is likely to launch an investigation into the matter. The outcome of that investigation could have a significant impact on the future of the university.

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