Nigerian Customs seizes an unregistered tanker with 502 bags of rice along Bauchi-Gombe road

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By Basit Jamiu

Musa Ibrahim Jalo, the customs comptroller of Zone D, Federal Operations Unit of the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS), has revealed that a tanker filled with 502 bags of rice, each weighing 59kg, was seized on Friday.

According to the comptroller, the tanker was not registered and they were intercepted along the Bauchi-Gombe Road in the afternoon.

The loaded and unregistered tanker, reportedly worth 61 million naira in value, was immediately impounded.

Acting with credible intelligence, my operatives stumbled upon this tanker truck suspected of concealing uncustomed goods along the Bauchi/Gombe road. Upon examination, some five hundred and two (502) pieces of foreign parboiled rice were uncovered from the compartment of the truck,” he said.

Jalo also stated that rice smuggling is a serious offense, adding that the NSC continues to fight this menace with the help of the people.

With headquarters in Bauchi, Customs Zone D supervises all states in the North East and some states in North Central (Nasarawa, Plateau, and Benue states).

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