Baze University Abuja Faces 5-Year Law Admission Ban for Violating Quotas

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By Sabiu Abdullahi

The Council of Legal Education (CLE) has imposed a five-year moratorium on law admissions at Baze University Abuja.

The decision comes in the wake of the university consistently violating approved quotas and conducting improper practices, as revealed by a recent report.

Baze University, founded by the Labour Party’s presidential running mate Yusuf Datti-Ahmed, has been found to breach its approved quota of 50 law students per session.

The university is now grappling with a substantial backlog of 347 law graduates awaiting admission into the Nigerian Law School.

Excessive Admissions: Since 2017, Baze University has admitted over 750 law students, surpassing the allotted 50 students per session. This exceeds what should have taken a reasonable 15 years to achieve based on the approved quota.

The university has been running a three-year law degree program for some candidates, contrary to the accredited five-year national benchmark curriculum. This program lacked approval from regulatory bodies such as the National Universities Commission (NUC), Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB), and the Council of Legal Education.

In response to these infractions, the Council of Legal Education has implemented a blanket ban on law admissions at Baze University for a period of five years. This moratorium aims to address the backlog of law students and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

The CLE has emphasized that follow-up visits will be conducted to assess the implementation of corrective measures at the university. The possibility of renewing the moratorium exists if satisfactory actions are not taken within the stipulated time frame.

The decision, though aimed at upholding regulatory oversight, has generated criticism due to its impact on innocent students and parents. However, officials assure that the well-being of affected students will be considered and addressed during this period.

Ms. Aderonke Osho, Acting Secretary and Director of Administration of the Nigerian Law School, stated that the Council’s decision was reached after careful consideration during its Quarterly Meeting on November 23, 2023. The statement urged admission bodies like JAMB to inform prospective students about the temporary steer away from Baze University.

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