Inexpert Surgery Devastates Kiddie In Kaduna

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By Kasim Isa Muhammad

A bright and hopeful 13-year-old girl Safiyya Nasiru had her world spurned after facing a harrowing but deeply distressing experience in the hands of quack doctors while undergoing two different surgeries for appendicitis.

In a desperate attempt to alleviate the excruciating pain caused by her inflamed appendix, Safiyya sought medical help, only to be subjected to an appalling incident that would leave a lasting pain and discomfort on her life.

Her physically challenged yet deeply concerned father, Mallam Nasiru Kabiru, bewailed as he shared this heartbreaking account with The Citizens Reports.

Safiyya on sickbed 

Malam recounted how the amateurish  exercise conducted by the staff at Al-Ramadan Clinic of Fulani/Matazu Road of Nasarawa, in Kaduna State, has put his beloved daughter, Safiyya in agony.

He said he had sought advice from a local man who owned a patent medicine store, whom had referred him a hospital that might be able to treat Safiyya’s appendix.

“Safiyya was experiencing excruciating stomach pain, she told me and, as her father, I decided to seek for medical assistance. Initially, I visited a local medicine store and purchased some drugs with the hope she would be relieved of her discomfort. Unfortunately, the pain persisted, forcing me to take Safiyya to a hospital for a thorough examination.

Safiyya’s dad, Mallam Nasiru


Upon our arrival at the hospital, we were greeted by a diligent medical staff who promptly guided us through a comprehensive examination, including a thorough scan, all in an effort to accurately diagnose the cause of the pain. The doctor at the hospital confirmed what we feared – Safiyya was indeed suffering from appendicitis.”

He added.

” Interestingly, during this time, I happened to come across the individual from whom I had sought advice and obtained the medication earlier. Recognizing my daughter’s symptoms, he insisted that seeking treatment at private clinic, rather than a government hospital, might yield better results for the condition.

Despite my initial intention to take Safiyya to the public hospital for the surgery, I was swayed by the advice. He convinced me to seek treatment at Al-Ramadan Clinic.” Mr. Nasir added.

Nasiru said he was immediately asked to pay a staggering amount of 75,000 Naira and he, despite his financial strain, complied. Hoping that the payment would secure the necessary medical intervention to save his daughter.

TCR noted that after six days after the surgery, Safiyya got down to experiencing bleeding which raised concerns, leading Mallam Kabiru to inform the medical staff at the clinic.

Al-Ramadan Clinic according to Nasiru regretfully informed him that the initial surgery went unsuccessful. As a result, a second would be performed in an attempt to address the issue.

Ramadan Clinic receipt

When they astonishingly demanded additional 15,000 Naira for the course, filled with a mixture of hope and desperation, Nasiru paid the requested amount, clinging to the belief that his daughter’s health would be restored.

Even after the second surgery, Safiyya continued to experience persistent bleeding from her stomach. Distressed and anxious, Mallam Kabiru Nasiru immediately informed the hospital staff of the ongoing complications. Shockingly, they informed him that Safiyya had developed cancer as a result of the previous surgeries.

The Citizen Reports observed that the Ramadan Clinic appeared dilapidated and severely lacking in necessary facilities required for even basic medical procedures, to say nothing of the appendicitis surgery.

Our investigation further revealed that the clinic was in a state of disrepair, with inadequate infrastructure and a noticeable absence of essential medical equipment and supplies. The lack of necessary facilities raised serious concerns about the clinic’s inability to provide appropriate and safe medical care for patients, particularly for complex procedures such as appendectomy.

There also lays a growing concern regarding the licensing status of Ramadan Clinic, as it has come to light that the hospital has not met the requirements to treat patients.

Ramadan however, does not have any form of visibility like a signpost, signboard or any physical indicator guide people to it, neither at its exit nor the main road.

When The Citizen Reports (TCR) reached out to the individual believed to have performed the surgery, he adamantly denied any involvement, stating that he solely work in conjunction with Al-Ramadan Clinic and did not personally perform the surgery.

The response is perplexing, considering the overwhelming evidence and testimonies indicating that Al-Ramadan Clinic was indeed responsible for the surgical procedure.

The Kaduna State Ministry of Health, in conjunction with other relevant agencies responsible for overseeing hospital clinics, will have to take immediate and decisive measures to protect lives of individuals by investigating and prosecuting Al-Ramadan Clinic, assessing its operational capacity, in addition to prosecuting whoever is involved.

Kaduna State Government shall according to experts, put an end to the operation of substandard clinics which pose a severe threat to the well-being and future of its citizens. The government must understand the gravity of the situation and take swift measures to prevent further occurrence. This includes implementing stringent regulations, increasing oversight, and enforcing strict penalties for those who endanger lives of individuals through negligent and unprofessional practices.

By taking decisive action against Al-Ramadan Clinic and it counterparts, government sends a strong message that the lives of citizens are paramount. This according to experts, will no doubt help in restoring faith in the healthcare system to ensure individuals seeking for medical care are protected from unscrupulous practices.

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